• My Journey With Toxic Perfectionism & Design

  • Finding Your Unique Design Style

  • Why a Beautiful Brand Can Boost Your Confidence and Elevate Your Business

  • Why Having a Website Is Pivotal to Your Business’ Success

  • 7 Things You Need To Consider Before Hiring a Website Designer

The Eldermade Blog

Here you’ll find writings surrounding all things design, business, & marketing, all in the name of creating a brand that feels like home to both yourself and your audience. Occasionally, you’ll also find posts that feel more like journal entries regarding my own life as a designer, my living space, mental health, or miscellaneous posts I feel may benefit you and your brand.


brand design, social media Haley Elder brand design, social media Haley Elder

Social Media for the Anti-Social: How a Strong Brand Can Do the Talking for You

Social media is often hailed as the holy grail of marketing. But frankly, if the idea of churning out constant posts, engaging in daily trends, and staying glued to your phone is something you dread, you’re definitely not alone. Not everyone loves social media (myself included, if we’re being totally honest here), and that’s okay. The good news? A strong, well-crafted brand can take much of the pressure off and do the talking for you.

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